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The US Chapter of the International IP Commercialization Counsel (IIPCC)

is proud to present:

The State of the Innovation in the Union
“What is the state of innovation in the
US today?”

Join our panels of experts as we explore the state of innovation in the United States from private, government, academic and public perspectives.

May 6, 2019
12:00PM – 5:00PM
United State Capitol
Room SVC 209-08


This event is free but pre-registration is required at – LINK

Other speakers include:

Mr. P.J. Bellomo - Executive Chairman, Blue Sources (MD)
Mr. Matthew Byer – Corporate Intellectual Property Manager, Zoeller Pump
Company (KY)
Ms. Shana Glenzer – Principal, Upright Consulting and Co-organizer of DC Tech
Meetup & DCFemTech (DC)
Mr. G. Nagesh Rao – Director, Business Technology Solutions (BiTS), U.S.
Small Business Administration (DC)
Prof. Neel Sukhatme – Associate Professor, Georgetown University Law Center
Mr. Paul R. Zielinski - Director, Technology Partnerships Office, National
Institute of Standards and Technology
Mr. Everardo Ruiz - Managing Director, Fund Investment and IP Advisory

Program Schedule:


12:00 - 12:30 
12:30 -12:45  
12:45 – 2:15




2:15 – 2:45
2:45 – 4:45








4:45 – 5:00



Opening remarks - The Honorable David J. Kappos
“Boot on the Ground” – what is the state of innovation from those working and studying commercialization and innovation daily? What are the challenges to innovation from a practical to policy perspective? Hear perspectives from the diverse group of voices of our panel.
Coffee break and networking session
“The Next Five Year” – perspectives on the current state of innovation in the United States and what the innovation pathway looks like for the next five years? What are the most pressing challenges that the United States must address to continue to lead in innovation? Director Andrei Iancu,
Prof. Carl Schramm, and Mr. Patrick Kilbride will provide their
perspectives in a moderated panel led by Ms. Ami Shah followed by an extended Q&A session with the audience in an arm chair style discussion format.

Closing remarks – The Honorable Chief Judge Randall R. Rader

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